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About me // Colleen Esposito

A Bell Curve is a mathematics term for a graph that forms the shape of a bell, with a rounded peak tapering away at the ends. The image of the Bell Curve is the perfect visual to explain what this blog is about: the ups and downs of motherhood. The peaks and valleys. 


My oldest daughter, Belle, was hard-won, so to speak. She's been throwing curve balls long before she was even born. And since she came into the world, I've just been trying to keep up. With her, with life, with everything. She is a force of nature and the peak at which my whole motherhood journey began. And then along came Rosie, her baby sister, who tries equally as hard as I do to keep up with The Belle Curve(s). Just when I thought I had this mom thing figured out, she taught me that I'd need to view the world through Rosie colored glasses while catching curve balls at the same time. It's not easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Sometimes I swear. Not because I wish to offend anyone or because I was raised by heathens, but because I believe words are powerful tools of expression and sometimes you just need a good curse word to really get your point across. ​

​I love to sleep and I hate to be cold. I adore my garden and eating cereal for breakfast. About halfway through my maternity leave after Belle was born I decided not to go back to work. I left the PR and ad agency life for the super-glam world of stay-at-home-mom-dom and never looked back.  


I'm also the co-author of a children's book called Nelson's Garden. 

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