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Apr 23, 20193 min read
Celebrate the YES+, no matter how early it is
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I couldn't believe my eyes: YES+ I remember specifically choosing a new pregnancy...
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Jan 9, 20194 min read
A letter to my second baby
Dear Rosie, In the weeks right before you were born I was overwhelmed by a sudden and unexpected fierce sense of loyalty toward your big...
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Nov 23, 20185 min read
And then this happened
About a week after my first IUI procedure, I had my yearly physical with my primary care doctor. She started our appointment as she...
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Nov 14, 20183 min read
So, technically this is a threesome, right?
My mom was a well-known radio personality in Boston for over 20 years. Growing up, everyone knew her name because her voice was...
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Nov 13, 20184 min read
You name it, I tried it
Two healthy baby girls later and the pain of those two years spent trying to get pregnant is still as fresh as a farm stand peach...just...
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