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Sep 21, 20243 min read
The age of innocence
I was chatting with a friend the other day about feeling sad that school has started. It felt surreal to say out loud because there were....
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Jan 19, 20236 min read
It sure was swell of you to write
A few months ago, Rosie asked me if she has a great-grandmother. I told her yes, her Dad’s grandmother, Helen. We call her Gramma Nell....
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Aug 17, 20224 min read
Full circle
It’s official. I’ve reached the phase of motherhood that I’ve been counting down the minutes to, but also (according to my subconscious...
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Mar 16, 20214 min read
Great Expectations
Can we just be done saying “kids are resilient”? Please? I'm begging. Because moving forward, we actually have no idea how...
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Sep 4, 20205 min read
Back to school blues
To all those parents out there wishing their kids were back in school, I have this to report: the grass is not greener on the other side
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May 9, 20204 min read
To my babies on Mother's Day
The truth is, I’m not the mom I want to be right now. I’m not the mom you’re used to.
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Mar 4, 20205 min read
Behold the mud kitchen
I first came across the concept for a mud kitchen at this magical little play space at our local Audobon Society. There was a whole playgrou
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Dec 30, 20195 min read
Sometimes we just forget
Man have I been there. We’ve all been there! And that’s what I told her. Sometimes we just forget the things.
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Dec 8, 20195 min read
Give and let live
The Giving Manger is really just a simple little tool kit, but it's exactly what we all needed to keep us on track this season
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Nov 13, 20198 min read
The toy struggle is real
We have too many toys in my house. Toys that are made of bright colored plastic and glitter and sparkle and they scream “buy me!” when kids
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Jun 26, 20194 min read
Drop-offs: do they ever get easier?
What is it about first days that make parents so emotional? I think I figured it out yesterday. It’s the look. The look your child gives...
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May 10, 20194 min read
Because you can't, you won't and you don't stop
If there's hard stuff you're dealing with this Mother's Day, try to focus on the good instead. Because moms don't just shape their own kids
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May 6, 20194 min read
To my daughter's pre-k teachers...
Here's a mom truth I'm not so proud of: I spent the majority of last summer consumed by how hard the day to day was. I was home alone...
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Apr 29, 20192 min read
Dead birdies, chicken nuggets, and other intense topics
Shit got REAL this weekend. First, I took the girls to Shake Shack after they patiently let me shop in Athleta for all of 17 minutes....
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Mar 19, 20195 min read
These are a few of my favorite (Instagram) things!
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Brown paper packages tied up with string...
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Mar 7, 20193 min read
Mom gold: the silhouette version
I've been searching for someone to make a silhouette print of my girls for MONTHS. I just got it stuck in my head that I had to have one...
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Feb 6, 20199 min read
The work trip
Before I became a mom, I pictured glorious vacations with my husband and kids running through the sand, splashing in the waves, building...
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Jan 28, 20194 min read
Is she a bad seed? Or is she just awesome?
My husband and I have known for a while now that we're completely screwed for the teen years with our girls. More specifically, our...
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Jan 18, 20191 min read
Mom vs. Dad
The other day I was driving home from picking up Belle from school and got a call from my husband. Belle asked him to come home early...
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Jan 3, 20194 min read
Does your job pee on you? Mine does.
You know the Drake White song Makin Me Look Good Again? Well the first line is "Worn and haggard, weathered and torn..." That's how I...
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